John's Consciousness

Life is funny—sometimes—and at other times it can be—unbearable.  There’s really no way to be sure just how it’s all going to turn out, but one thing is for sure—you’re probably not going to get far as a guy in a giant dollar sign suit.  Success in life might even require a healthy dose of maddening chaos combined with the stark realization of just how much you’ve messed it all up to bring you around.  You might even have to suffer through the loss of someone you knew—someone you didn’t treat very well in life—before you realize what truly matters.  That’s how it was for Charley Schwartz, anyway.

Marc Schuster has written a compelling and comically tragic story about a man who has to face the hard truths about his life, his friends, and his future.  He might not have even noticed his inexorable trajectory toward the creeping sinkhole of…

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